Breaking-up is so hard to do!

Breaking-up is so hard to do!

Are you ready to break up with clutter?

Clutter has been described as anything that gets in the way of the life you want to live!
That’s a very broad definition but most likely a true one.

Clutter is a mess that needs to be dealt with to be at peace. Clutter holds us back, it takes away our sovereignty. Clutter is the mess that we didn’t attend to which grew into an entire closet of stuff we don’t use or a home we can’t stand because it only reminds us of everything we haven’t done or completed.

Clutter is the emotion that we’ve stuffed down and only let out for a spin when we are feeling especially brave! It can be the rage at being abused, the anger at not being heard, or the sorrow of feeling like you’ve lost your way in life.

Clutter is also the doorway to our soul. Yes, you heard me correctly. Clutter can be the doorway to discovering our soul’s desires. Clutter can be the doorway to our new life. All we have to do is remove the clutter & as we do, we begin to process the emotions that have driven us to distraction.

Again, are you ready to break up with clutter?

I’m a professional organizer & former minister. My ministry has become getting rid of clutter in my client’s homes. Thereby, helping them turn their lives around! First, I had to do it for myself. My past had a lot of paper in it.

In fact, I continue to have to confront clutter pockets in my home office! And as anyone with paper clutter knows, paper clutter isn’t just paper; it’s the words & images on the paper!!




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