We all want to Finish Strong to begin 2024 refreshed & renewed!
To Start Fresh we’ve got to Finish.
I envision Finish Strong as an image of a Child flying a kite on a windy day!
Can you Imagine yourself flying a kite with the wind at your back? Now imagine these same tailwinds giving you the momentum to complete your most important or most impending project by the end of 2023!
Is there something you just really want to get off of your plate? Or a cherished goal that you’ve started but haven’t really put much time or effort into it? Yet!
Maybe you won’t complete it this year. That said, you & I, we all can make great strides toward our dreams.
Have you heard the expression:
Do less to Achieve more!
Do less of what?
Less worry, overthinking, less procrastinating, and less overwhelmed during the season that breeds overwhelm, over-exhaustion, overdoing, & overindulging to name a few.
What do we need to do to accomplish more with less?
Peace of Mind
Last spring, my husband & I went on an adventure cruise of a lifetime in Alaska. At one of the dinners, I met a doctor. We were talking about organizing & she told me the following story:
10 years ago, Sheryl & her husband bought a second home, a vacation home on Long Island.
She said, ‘Imagine this, when we bought the house, it was all white, with blank walls! No Clutter! No stuff!’
No bookcases full of knick-knacks & too many books, only minimal furniture, clean white surfaces.
She told her family: “We’re leaving it this way.”
I asked her, “Do you still own the home?”
Sheryl answered “Yes, And I left it that way,” then she said:
“I’m so productive when I’m there. It’s where I’m most productive!” Minimum clutter, minimum distractions, minimum overwhelm! A great opportunity to focus! It creates an environment conducive to peace of mind.
Clarity is a driving force!
When we are clear about our goal, when we buy into it, when our motivation exceeds our need to procrastinate, we can start.
And, we can get it done.
Sometimes we have to dig deep to find clarity. One process that helps me to dig deep is to write. It’s a method to access the good ideas & the solutions that are under the surface. Journal, make lists, even doodle, it always helps us to get all that stuff out of our heads onto paper!
I invite you to get clarity about the one thing you want to complete or move along before it’s 2024!
FOCUS! We dismantle the chaos of clutter when we replace it with calm order which can increase our productivity!
Focus turns our attention away from No, I can’t to YES! ICAN!
My recommendation is to separate each project into tasks.
We can all accomplish one task.
- One task at a time
- One thing at a time
- One step at a time.
- One mini task at a time.
Separate the project into tasks, tasks into steps, & steps into mini tasks; especially when the plan is overwhelming you because it’s so big, new, or unknown, or takes you way out of your comfort zone;
It’s not too late, for your goal to be met.
Honor yourself! Finish Strong!
- Block out time on your calendar for you,
- Take that one step at a time,
- Complete the task!
- These tasks strung together, become a finished project!
What follows is Peace of Mind & contentment.
Happy Thanksgiving!