Winter Whispers

Winter Whispers

During these last days of the year, cultures throughout the world

celebrate as the longest nights begin to shorten, bringing us

newfound strength & renewal.
Most of you know me as a CPO®, a Certified Professional Organizer.

Yes, Yes, Yes creating order & organization are my jam!

Yes, Yes, Yes I love to transform overwhelm into order through

organizing your space & your lives.
What you may not know is I’ve studied spirituality since my teens.

I believe in listening to what is often called ‘the inner voice’ or ‘The still small voice within’.

It whispers through us when we get still & listen.

It often manifests as our dreams; the ones we dream of while awake or asleep.

This voice shows up as the joys of our lives, in those moments when we forget our separateness & immerse ourselves in an activity.
And most especially, these inner nudges speak to us when we are still.

The invitation is to rest, recharge, & renew.

What’s whispering to your soul as we head into 2022?

Let’s listen!




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